Home Clicki Setup Company branding & finalizing your 1st Campaign

Company branding & finalizing your 1st Campaign

Last updated on Apr 24, 2024

Setting Up Branding and Your First Campaign on Clicki


  • Welcome message from Kendall, Co-founder of Clicki.

  • Overview of the video's purpose: a quick start guide to setting up your account and initiating your first campaign.

Getting Started

  • Accessing the Clicki platform.

  • Initial steps post-login:

    • Navigating to company settings.

    • Overview of key settings: company size, billing tab, team branding.

    • Importance of domain and integrations.

Detailed Steps

  1. Company Settings

    • How to access and modify company settings.

    • Setting up company size and understanding its impact.

    • Configuring billing options.

  2. Branding

    • Accessing the branding tab.

    • Steps to customize your team's branding.

    • Tips for maintaining a consistent brand image.

  3. Domain and Integrations

    • Importance of domain settings for your campaigns.

    • How to integrate Clicki with other platforms.

    • Recommendations for essential integrations for a smooth start.

Best Practices

  • Key recommendations for setting up your account effectively.

  • Tips from Clicki experts on optimizing your setup.


  • Encouragement to explore further features.

  • How to access support if needed.