Home Integrations Fieldroutes - Check in - Referral Reminder

Fieldroutes - Check in - Referral Reminder

Last updated on Aug 12, 2024

Best Practices for Optimizing Clicki with Field Routes: Boosting Your Referral Program

At Clicki, we are committed to helping small businesses thrive by leveraging powerful referral systems. One of the most effective ways to maximize the benefits of Clicki is by integrating it with your Field Routes system. Our most successful clients have identified key strategies that significantly enhance their referral programs. This guide will walk you through the best practices to keep your referral program top of mind for all customers and promoters using trigger rules in Field Routes.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Trigger Rules in Field Routes

Step 1: Create a New Trigger Rule
  1. Log in to Field Routes: Access your Field Routes account.

  2. Navigate to Trigger Rules: Go to the 'Settings' section and find 'Trigger Rules'.

  3. Create a New Rule: Click on the option to create a new trigger rule.

Step 2: Define the Trigger Rule
  1. Type of Trigger Rule: Select 'Reminder' as the type of trigger rule.

  2. Set the Action: Choose the action 'Send SMS'.

Step 3: Customize the SMS Template

Use the following template for the SMS message to ensure your customers and promoters are reminded to engage with the referral program:

Hey {{fname}}! Our technician just arrived to start your service.

Quick heads-up! Join our new referral program and earn rewards!

2. Share your referral link/submit referrals or share on social media.
3. Earn [INSERTCLICKBUDGET] per click & [INSERTREFERRALBONUS] per new customer referral. Cash out anytime!

Top 5 referrers get a special year-end giveaway! Join the fun!
Step 4: Implement the Trigger
  1. Assign the Trigger: Set the trigger to activate when the technician taps 'Check-in on Arrival'.

  2. Save the Rule: Save the trigger rule to ensure it is active.

Step 5: Monitor and Adjust
  • Track Engagement: Monitor the engagement rates and adjust the SMS content if necessary to improve results.

  • Gather Feedback: Collect feedback from customers and technicians to refine the process.

Benefits of This Strategy

Increased Visibility: By setting up this trigger rule, your referral program stays top of mind for customers, encouraging them to participate actively.

Enhanced Engagement: The reminder SMS prompts customers to interact with your brand by sharing their experiences, creating valuable user-generated content.

Proven Results: Companies using this method have reported a 20% increase in referral program engagement.

Need Help?

If you need assistance setting up your trigger rules or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via the support chat. Team Clicki is here to help you every step of the way.

By following these best practices, you can significantly enhance your referral program and drive more engagement from your customers. Start today and see the difference it makes for your business!