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Kendall Hines
By Kendall Hines
14 articles

How to: Connect Clicki to Fieldroutes (Incoming Webhooks)

https://www.loom.com/share/a089515e07674d4382cf7f099c0cca0e?sid=b801fa6c-d0f3-435a-a68e-ee0374474305 Connecting Clicki to FieldRoutes Objective: To connect Clicki to FieldRoutes for seamless data integration, specifically focusing on adding promoters to Clicki and triggering actions based on completed services in FieldRoutes. Key Steps: 1. Adding Promoters to Clicki: - Create a webhook in Clicki named "Add Promoter" and assign it to a specific campaign. - Copy the webhook URL. - In FieldRoutes, go to Admin > Trigger Rules. - Create a trigger rule based on your desired action (e.g., after an active subscription is added). - Create a new action step with the type as webhook and method as GET request. - Paste the copied webhook URL and replace test data placeholders with actual client data (e.g., email, phone number, first name, last name). 2. Triggering Actions for Completed Services: - Create a trigger rule in FieldRoutes based on completed services (e.g., after an appointment is completed). - Set up a webhook to send data to Clicki upon trigger. - Perform a real-time lookup in Clicki's referral database to verify the existence of a referral with the sent data. - Automatically award referral bonuses if a match is found. Cautionary Notes: - Ensure that the webhooks are set up correctly in both Clicki and FieldRoutes to avoid data transfer errors. - Double-check the trigger rules and action steps to align with your business processes accurately. - Test the integration thoroughly before implementing it on a large scale. Tips for Efficiency: - Keep webhook names and descriptions clear and descriptive for easy identification. - Regularly monitor and review the integration to ensure its effectiveness and make any necessary adjustments. - Document the webhook setup process for future reference and training purposes.

Last updated on Aug 12, 2024

Fieldroutes - Check in - Referral Reminder

Best Practices for Optimizing Clicki with Field Routes: Boosting Your Referral Program At Clicki, we are committed to helping small businesses thrive by leveraging powerful referral systems. One of the most effective ways to maximize the benefits of Clicki is by integrating it with your Field Routes system. Our most successful clients have identified key strategies that significantly enhance their referral programs. This guide will walk you through the best practices to keep your referral program top of mind for all customers and promoters using trigger rules in Field Routes. Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Trigger Rules in Field Routes Step 1: Create a New Trigger Rule 1. Log in to Field Routes: Access your Field Routes account. 2. Navigate to Trigger Rules: Go to the 'Settings' section and find 'Trigger Rules'. 3. Create a New Rule: Click on the option to create a new trigger rule. Step 2: Define the Trigger Rule 1. Type of Trigger Rule: Select 'Reminder' as the type of trigger rule. 2. Set the Action: Choose the action 'Send SMS'. Step 3: Customize the SMS Template Use the following template for the SMS message to ensure your customers and promoters are reminded to engage with the referral program: Hey {{fname}}! Our technician just arrived to start your service. Quick heads-up! Join our new referral program and earn rewards! 1. Log in: [INSERT YOUR CLICKI REFERRAL SIGNIN/SIGNUP LINK HERE] 2. Share your referral link/submit referrals or share on social media. 3. Earn [INSERTCLICKBUDGET] per click & [INSERTREFERRALBONUS] per new customer referral. Cash out anytime! Top 5 referrers get a special year-end giveaway! Join the fun! Step 4: Implement the Trigger 1. Assign the Trigger: Set the trigger to activate when the technician taps 'Check-in on Arrival'. 2. Save the Rule: Save the trigger rule to ensure it is active. Step 5: Monitor and Adjust - Track Engagement: Monitor the engagement rates and adjust the SMS content if necessary to improve results. - Gather Feedback: Collect feedback from customers and technicians to refine the process. Benefits of This Strategy Increased Visibility: By setting up this trigger rule, your referral program stays top of mind for customers, encouraging them to participate actively. Enhanced Engagement: The reminder SMS prompts customers to interact with your brand by sharing their experiences, creating valuable user-generated content. Proven Results: Companies using this method have reported a 20% increase in referral program engagement. Need Help? If you need assistance setting up your trigger rules or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via the support chat. Team Clicki is here to help you every step of the way. By following these best practices, you can significantly enhance your referral program and drive more engagement from your customers. Start today and see the difference it makes for your business!

Last updated on Aug 12, 2024

How to add Clicki to CAW (RealGreen)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2D5ZE18vHQ Integrating Clicki Referral Program into RealGreen Customer Portal Objective: To integrate the Clicki referral program into the RealGreen Customer Portal for the company Lawn Police in Utah, allowing customers to easily participate and earn rewards. Key Steps: 1. Login Page Customization: - Edit the login page of the customer portal. - Add a message promoting the referral program. - Provide a clear call-to-action for customers to participate. - Link the call-to-action to the referral app for logging in. 2. Menu Integration in Customer Assisted Website (CAW): - Access the navigation settings in CAW. - Locate the "Refer a Friend" option. - Remove the native RealGreen referral flow. - Add an external link with the text "Refer and earn cash". - Insert the referral program link (e.g., utahlawnpolice.clickireferrals.com). - Save changes to update the menu bar. Cautionary Notes: - Ensure that the messaging on the login page and menu is clear and concise. - Avoid overwhelming customers with excessive information or fields to fill out for referrals. - Double-check the link insertion to prevent any broken or incorrect links. Tips for Efficiency: - Prioritize placing the referral program link in the menu bar within the Customer Assisted Website for better visibility. - Keep the referral process simple and user-friendly to encourage customer engagement. - Regularly monitor the integration to track the effectiveness of the referral program and make any necessary adjustments for optimization.

Last updated on Aug 12, 2024

Connect ServiceAutpilot to Clicki

https://www.loom.com/share/ff13e4cb7fe84a688ee1c21e330d66dd?sid=7ae6a033-f652-46c1-a64f-35f8bc462ff5 How to Connect Clicki to Service Autopilot In this guide, we will walk you through the process of connecting Clicki to Service Autopilot. This integration allows you to automate the flow of information between the two systems, enhancing your referral program's efficiency and effectiveness. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how to achieve this integration. Overview The primary goal of connecting Clicki to Service Autopilot is to facilitate the flow of customer data between the two platforms. There are two main scenarios for data exchange: 1. From Service Autopilot to Clicki: Every time you acquire a new customer or have a conversion in Service Autopilot, you want to inform Clicki to award referral bonuses or add the customer to a campaign. 2. From Clicki to Service Autopilot: When generating referrals through Clicki campaigns, it's essential to send those leads to Service Autopilot. This guide focuses on the first scenario: transferring data from Service Autopilot to Clicki. Step 1: Add Clicki as an Employee in Service Autopilot Service Autopilot does not have a native API. Therefore, we use automations and an employee profile to extract data. 1. Create a New User: - Go to your Service Autopilot account. - Add CRM@JoinClicki.com as an employee user. - Set a password for this user and send it to our team. This step allows us to connect to your Service Autopilot account from the backend. 2. Note: Ensure you have completed this step before proceeding, as it sets up the foundation for data transfer. Step 2: Set Up the Trigger Rule in Service Autopilot Next, you'll need to configure a trigger rule that determines when data should be sent from Service Autopilot to Clicki. 1. Create a Trigger Rule: - Navigate to the automation section of your Service Autopilot account. - Define a trigger rule, such as "When a lead is converted to a client." - Utilize conditional logic to refine your triggers (e.g., only trigger if the lead is for a residential customer). 2. Save the Sequence: Once the trigger rule is set up, save the sequence to ensure the data is ready to be sent when the condition is met. Step 3: Configure Email Automation Since Service Autopilot lacks an API, we use email automation to transfer data. 1. Set Up the Email Automation: - Create an email sequence within your automation that sends data from your company email to Clicki. - In the "To" field, select the Clicki user you created (CRM@JoinClicki.com). 2. Format the Email Content: - In the email body, include the following customer data: FirstName: [clientfname] Last Name: [clientlname] Email: [clientemail] Phone: [clientcphone] ** Send Data to Clicki:** - Every time the trigger rule is activated, Service Autopilot will send an email containing the specified data to Clicki. Final Steps: Automating Data Transfer to Clicki Once the email is received by Clicki, our system reads the data, identifies the source (your company), and pipes it into your Clicki referral campaign. This process effectively simulates an API connection, allowing seamless data flow from Service Autopilot to Clicki. Need Help? If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Stay tuned for part two of this guide, where we will cover how to send data from Clicki into Service Autopilot. By following these steps, you can efficiently integrate Clicki with Service Autopilot, enabling automated data exchange and enhancing your referral marketing efforts.

Last updated on Aug 16, 2024

Add new leads from Clicki to Highlevel

https://www.loom.com/share/d9c74a7592514c15b3c157a3328959ca?sid=6aecf274-c9fd-4504-a189-1e120c1eeec1 Introduction This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to integrate your Clicki account with High Level to facilitate seamless data transfer. By following these steps, you will be able to set up a web hook that triggers the transfer of lead data from Clicki to High Level. Prerequisites - A Clicki account - A High Level account - Administrative access to both platforms Step 1: Create a Web Hook in High Level 1. Log in to High Level: Start by logging into your High Level account. 2. Navigate to Automation Tab: Create a new workflow. 3. Create a New Web Hook Trigger: Select the option to create a new web hook. This will generate a URL which will be used to receive data from Clicki. Step 2: Configure the Web Hook Settings 1. Set the Trigger: Configure the web hook to trigger on receiving new lead data. 2. Save the Trigger: Make sure to save the settings to activate the web hook. Step 3: Set Up Web Hook on Clicki 1. Log in to Clicki: Open your Clicki account. 2. Access Company Settings: From your dashboard, go to company settings. 3. Add Web Hook URL: Enter the URL generated from High Level into the appropriate field in Clicki to establish the connection. Step 4: Send Test Data 1. Send Test Data from Clicki: Trigger a test to send data from Clicki to High Level. This step ensures that the connection is working correctly. 2. Verify Data Transfer: Check if the data is correctly received and mapped in High Level. Step 5: Finalize Integration 1. Confirm Operational Status: Once the test is successful, confirm the operational status of the integration. 2. Start Using the Integration: You can now start using the integration to automate data transfers from Clicki to High Level. Troubleshooting Common Issues - Check Web Hook URL: Ensure the URL is entered correctly in both Clicki and High Level. - Verify Permissions: Make sure you have the required administrative permissions on both platforms. - Recheck Data Mapping: If data is not appearing as expected, revisit the data mapping settings. Conclusion By following these steps, you should have successfully connected your Clicki account to High Level, enabling efficient data transfer. For more detailed settings or technical support, refer to the respective platform's help documentation or contact their support teams.

Last updated on Sep 13, 2024

Connect HouseCall Pro to Clicki (Inbound Webhook) part 1

https://www.loom.com/share/9448811fa5e047dfb582128b17582100?sid=20572603-66d3-41d5-8e83-88d9e0e211e4 Welcome to our step-by-step guide on how to connect Clicki to Housecall Pro using Zapier and webhooks. This integration allows you to seamlessly manage referral programs by automating data transfer between Clicki and Housecall Pro. Requirements Before you begin, ensure you have the following: 1. Clicki Account: Set up your account with all necessary branding and configurations. 2. Zapier Account: If you don't have one, you'll need to create it to facilitate the integration. Integration Overview The integration consists of two main parts: 1. Importing Data from Housecall Pro to Clicki: This involves adding customers as promoters in Clicki when they are identified as referrals. 2. Checking Completed Jobs: For each completed job in Housecall Pro, verify if a referral exists and release the referral bonus if applicable. Part 1: Importing Data from Housecall Pro to Clicki 1. Connect Housecall Pro: Ensure that the client's Housecall Pro account is connected to Zapier. 2. Setting Up the Webhook in Clicki: - Navigate to the Clicki dashboard. - Set up an incoming webhook by choosing the option to add a promoter and referral reward. - Save the webhook URL provided by Clicki. 3. Configuring Zapier: - In Zapier, create a trigger rule for receiving data from Housecall Pro. - Add an action to send a webhook using the URL from Clicki. - Map the data fields from Housecall Pro to Clicki's placeholders: - Email: Map to the customer's email. - Phone Number: Map to the customer's mobile number. - First Name: Map to the customer's first name. - Last Name: Map to the customer's last name. 4. Testing the Integration (Optional): - You can test this setup to ensure the data mapping is correct. Note: Avoid sending live data during testing to prevent sending actual welcome messages. 5. Completing Step One: - After mapping the fields and testing (if necessary), skip the test and proceed to the next setup stage. Part 2: Checking Completed Jobs and Releasing Referral Bonuses 1. Set Up Referral Check in Clicki: - Return to the Clicki dashboard. - Create another webhook for checking referrals, which will be triggered upon job completion. 2. Configuring Zapier for Completed Jobs: - In Zapier, create another webhook trigger for completed jobs in Housecall Pro. - Use a GET request to check for existing referrals in Clicki using the email and phone number. 3. Data Processing: - For each completed job, the integration performs two actions: - Adds the customer to a Clicki campaign if they are a referral. - Checks if the completed job exists as a referral in Clicki and releases the referral bonus if applicable. Important Considerations - Campaign Management: Ensure that the target campaign in Clicki is correctly specified and that the appropriate webhook URL is used. This defines which campaign the data is pushed into. - Multiple Campaigns: If managing multiple campaigns in Clicki, verify that each webhook corresponds to the correct campaign. Next Steps This guide covers the initial setup for importing data from Housecall Pro to Clicki. In Part 2, we'll explore how to export Clicki data back into Housecall Pro, enabling a complete bidirectional data flow. For any questions or further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy automating!

Last updated on Aug 13, 2024

Integrating Clicki with Housecall Pro via Zapier (Outbound Webhook) part 2

https://www.loom.com/share/c3754df492864b268cda6f0c467dc18f?sid=4c2baf0a-acb6-4393-b6b8-96630e1e0d90 Overview In this video tutorial, Kendall from Clicki demonstrates how to integrate Clicki with Housecall Pro using Zapier. This integration allows referral data from Clicki to be automatically pushed into Housecall Pro, enabling seamless lead management within your current pipeline software. Key Steps in the Integration Process Step 1: Set Up an Outgoing Webhook in Clicki 1. Create a Webhook: Start by setting up an outgoing webhook in Clicki. This webhook will send referral data to the app of your choice. 2. Configure Trigger Events: Currently, Clicki supports sending referral data via webhooks, but we are working on additional triggers, such as cash-out events. Step 2: Configure Zapier to Catch the Webhook 1. Access Zapier: Log in to your Zapier account and create a new Zap. 2. Create a Trigger: Set the trigger event as a "Catch Hook" in Zapier to capture the data sent from Clicki. 3. Copy the Webhook URL: Zapier will provide a unique webhook URL. Copy this URL and paste it into the Clicki webhook setup, then save the webhook. Step 3: Test the Webhook Connection 1. Generate Test Data: Go to your Clicki dashboard, select an example promoter, and generate a referral link. 2. Submit Test Referral: Use the referral link to submit a test referral. Enter test data such as name, email, and phone number, and submit. 3. Verify Data in Zapier: Check Zapier to ensure the test referral data is captured correctly. This data includes all available parameters like referral information and the promoter who referred them. Step 4: Send Data to Housecall Pro 1. Set Up an Action in Zapier: Create an action in Zapier to send the captured referral data to Housecall Pro. 2. Map Fields: Map the referral data fields in Zapier to the corresponding fields in Housecall Pro. These fields include first name, last name, email, and mobile number. 3. Enable Notifications: Set the option to enable notifications for the new customer in Housecall Pro. 4. Tag the Record: Add a tag to the record indicating who referred the customer, using the promoter's information from Clicki. Step 5: Test the Integration 1. Run a Test in Zapier: Test the Zap to ensure that the data is correctly sent to Housecall Pro and a new customer is created. 2. Verify in Housecall Pro: Log into Housecall Pro to confirm that the new customer record has been created with the correct information and tagging. Conclusion By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate Clicki with Housecall Pro using Zapier, allowing for efficient lead management. If you require any assistance or prefer a hands-on setup, Clicki offers a white-glove service for a fee. Contact support if you have any questions or need further help with the integration.

Last updated on Aug 13, 2024

How to Add Bonuses to Promoters’ Accounts Using Web-hooks in Clicki

https://www.loom.com/share/2cd87f2c7b034e268de91cffbf2911ce?sid=de5f595c-fb52-4792-b248-9b5592db33c Actual Example with Live Data https://login.clicki.io/api/webhooks/incoming/pcKk9dZ4LPgekGx9MQhmsg?campaignId=11704ef3-b20d-4726-bc6a-91d76bfcd992&email=john.doe@domain.com&cell_phone=+16165551212&amount=50&note=Welcome%20to%20our%20new%20refferral%20program!%20Here%20is%20a%20welcome%20bonus!! Parameters email (optional): john.doe@domain.com cell_phone: +16165551212 amount: 5 (float) note:Welcome%20to%20our%20new%20refferral%20program!%20Here%20is%20a%20welcome%20bonus!! ** Overview** Clicki now offers a powerful new feature that allows businesses to programmatically add bonuses to their promoters, customers, or affiliates’ accounts using APIs or webhooks. This feature provides flexibility in engaging and rewarding your referral program participants automatically, based on specific triggers or events in your integrated systems. Key Features • Seamless Integration: This feature allows you to integrate your referral program with your CRM, booking system, or any other system that supports webhooks or APIs. • Automated Bonuses: You can programmatically add bonuses to your promoters’ accounts based on various triggers, such as completed services or customer milestones. • Customizable Messaging: Along with the bonus, you can include a personalized message, thanking the customer or providing additional information. How to Use the New Bonus Feature 1. Accessing the Feature • Go to the Clicki dashboard and navigate to the section where you manage your integrations. • Choose to create a new incoming webhook. 1. Setting Up the Webhook • Select the “Add Bonus” option as the type of webhook. • Specify the campaign that this bonus should be associated with. • Enter the dollar amount for the bonus you wish to award. • Optionally, include a custom note or message, such as “Thanks so much for coming in. We really appreciate your business.” 1. Saving the Webhook • After configuring your webhook, click on “Save Webhook.” • You can give it a name for easy identification (e.g., “Testy Test”). 1. Integrating with Other Systems • The saved webhook can now be integrated into other platforms that support webhooks, such as Zapier, FieldRoutes, and many others. • This enables you to automate the awarding of bonuses programmatically and effortlessly, using the triggers and workflows set up in your integrated systems. Example Use Cases • Post-Service Engagement: Automatically add a $1 cashback bonus to a customer’s account every time they complete a service. • Milestone Rewards: Reward customers with a bonus when they reach specific milestones, such as the 10th referral. • Event-Based Bonuses: Trigger bonuses based on custom events tracked in your CRM, such as a customer’s birthday or anniversary with your service. Getting Support If you have any questions or need further assistance with setting up this new feature, our support team is here to help. Please reach out to us, and we’ll be happy to guide you through the process or discuss how this feature can be customized to suit your business needs. Conclusion This new bonus feature in Clicki is designed to help businesses drive engagement and reward their promoters effortlessly. By leveraging webhooks and APIs, you can now create more dynamic and responsive referral programs that automatically reward your customers based on their interactions and milestones.

Last updated on Aug 14, 2024

How to Use Webhooks from Your Clicki Account in Zapier

https://www.loom.com/share/9a479d9a5afd4f1cb21c712bde1e2e3d?sid=069213dc-064a-4836-a2ad-81250ef1fabe This article provides step-by-step instructions for integrating your Clicki account with Zapier using webhooks. The process allows you to automate workflows by triggering actions based on events in your Clicki account. Step 1: Set Up a Trigger in Zapier 1. Create a New Zap: Start by creating a new Zap in Zapier. The first step is to set up a trigger, which will initiate the workflow. This can be any event supported by Zapier. 2. Select a Trigger Event: Choose the appropriate trigger event based on your requirements. Step 2: Set Up the Webhook Action in Zapier 1. Choose an Action App: After setting up the trigger, select the "Webhooks by Zapier" app as the action step. 2. Choose Action Event Type: Zapier offers several types of webhook actions. In this case, select "GET" as the action event type. Step 3: Get the Webhook URL from Clicki 1. Retrieve the Webhook URL: Log in to your Clicki account and navigate to the section where you can generate or view your webhook URL. 2. Copy the Webhook URL: Copy the webhook URL provided by Clicki. Step 4: Configure the Webhook in Zapier 1. Paste the URL in Zapier: Go back to Zapier and paste the Clicki webhook URL into the URL field within the Webhooks by Zapier action step. 2. Modify URL Parameters (Optional): If needed, you can adjust the URL parameters directly in Zapier. Otherwise, leave the URL as it is. Step 5: Test the Webhook 1. Test the Webhook: Once everything is set up, click the "Test & Review" or "Test & Continue" button in Zapier. 2. Verify the Response: If the webhook is configured correctly, Zapier will show a successful response. The message "Working" or similar will appear in the response data. Final Notes - Leave JSON Settings as Default: You do not need to change any of the JSON settings. Leave everything as it is by default. - Use GET Request Type: Ensure that the webhook action type is set to "GET" to function correctly. This process allows you to seamlessly connect your Clicki account with Zapier, enabling automated workflows triggered by Clicki events.

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024

Hubspot Integration with Clicki Referrals

Introduction Integrating Clicki with HubSpot streamlines your referral and sales processes by automatically syncing and managing contacts and deals generated through referrals. This guide will walk you through setting up and customizing the Clicki integration within HubSpot to maximize the effectiveness of your referral campaigns. Setting Up the Integration 1. Access Integration Settings: Navigate to the "Company Settings" in your HubSpot account and select "Integrations." Here, you can access the Clicki integration settings by clicking on the gear icon. 2. Create Contacts from Referrals: Configure the integration to automatically create a new contact in HubSpot whenever a new referral comes in. This ensures all referral data is captured seamlessly into your CRM system. 3. Assign Lead Pipeline Stages: You can set the specific pipeline stage for each new contact based on the nature of the referral. This helps in tracking the progress of each lead through the sales funnel. 4. Assign Contacts: HubSpot requires each contact to be assigned to a team member. You can set up a default assignee, such as a sales manager or a generic account like "Clicki," to handle these referrals. Customizing the Integration 1. Edit Contact Details: You have the flexibility to edit contact assignments and other details directly within the HubSpot interface. This can be done at any time, providing flexibility to adapt to changes in your sales team or strategy. 2. Monitor Sales Pipeline: The integration allows you to monitor specific sales pipelines, such as the inside sales pipeline, and track the status of deals, especially focusing on the "closed-won" status to trigger further actions. 3. Customize Landing Pages: Clicki enables customization of the landing pages that appear when a referral link is clicked. These can include personalized offers, videos, and Google reviews to enhance conversion rates. Data Mapping and Workflows 1. Data Mapping: When a referral fills out a form via a landing page, their details are automatically populated in HubSpot. This includes creating a new contact and potentially redirecting the user to an online store or another designated action. 2. Workflow Automation: Create custom workflows within HubSpot that trigger when a Clicki referral is detected. These workflows can automate the creation of deals and update the lead status accordingly. 3. Deal Creation: Configure the integration to automatically create a deal within HubSpot when a Clicki referral enters a specific stage in your sales pipeline. This helps in efficiently managing and converting leads. Advanced Configuration 1. Referral Campaign Enrollment: Set up the integration to automatically enroll contacts into specific referral campaigns once they reach the "closed-won" stage in the sales pipeline. This can be adjusted to include a delay if needed, allowing for a more tailored customer experience. 2. Utilize Webhooks: Use webhooks for real-time updates, enabling immediate actions within both Clicki and HubSpot whenever a deal status changes. This facilitates a dynamic and responsive referral management system. Conclusion The Clicki-HubSpot integration offers a robust solution for managing referrals and enhancing your sales processes. By automating the creation of contacts, deals, and enrollment in campaigns, you can ensure a seamless flow from referral generation to deal closure. Customize the integration to fit your business needs and leverage the combined power of Clicki and HubSpot to drive your sales efforts.

Last updated on Sep 10, 2024

How to Automatically Add New Customers to Clicki Referral Campaigns Using HighLevel Automations

https://www.loom.com/share/0d979f17a6fd4d6fa872337713c1e06c?sid=2736ad69-c01d-4d0c-a45a-c63b66d167ca Overview This guide will walk you through the process of integrating HighLevel with Clicki to automatically add new customers to your Clicki referral campaigns. When a deal in HighLevel reaches the "Closed Won" status, the automation will trigger, enrolling the customer into a Clicki referral program. This seamless integration helps you encourage new customers to promote your business without manual intervention. Step-by-Step Instructions 1. Create a New Automation in HighLevel 1. Log In: Access your HighLevel account. 2. Navigate to Automations: - From the dashboard, click on Automations in the left-hand menu. 3. Create Workflow: - Click on Create Workflow. - Choose Start from Scratch. 4. Name the Workflow: - Enter a descriptive name, e.g., Clicki Referral Auto Add. - Click Save. 2. Set Up the Trigger 1. Add New Trigger: - Click on Add New Trigger. 2. Select Trigger Type: - Choose Opportunity Status Changed. 3. Configure the Trigger: - In Pipeline: Select your desired pipeline (e.g., Sales Master Pipeline). - In Stage: Choose the stage that represents a successful deal (e.g., Closed Won Paid). - This ensures the automation triggers when an opportunity moves to the specified stage. 4. Save Trigger: - Click Save Trigger. 3. Add an Optional Delay 1. Add New Action: - Click on the + icon to add an action. 2. Select Delay: - Choose Wait from the list. 3. Configure Delay: - Set the desired wait time (e.g., 3 hours). - This allows a buffer time before the customer is added to the referral program. 4. Save Action: - Click Save Action. 4. Add a Webhook Action 1. Add New Action: - Click on the + icon after the delay step. 2. Select Webhook: - Choose Webhook from the actions list. 3. Configure the Webhook: - Method: Change from POST to GET. - Leave the URL field blank for now. 4. Save Action: - Click Save Action (you will return to this step after generating the webhook URL). 5. Generate a Webhook URL in Clicki 1. Log In to Clicki: Access your Clicki account. 2. Navigate to Company Settings: - Click on your profile icon and select Company Settings. 3. Access Integrations: - Click on Integrations from the settings menu. 4. Create a New Webhook: - Click on New Webhook. 5. Configure the Webhook: - Webhook Name: Enter Add Promoter. - Action: Select Add Promoter. - Campaign: Choose the referral campaign to add promoters to (e.g., Referral Rewards). 6. Save Webhook: - Click Save Webhook. 7. Copy Webhook URL: - After saving, copy the generated Webhook URL. 6. Complete the Webhook Configuration in HighLevel 1. Return to HighLevel: - Go back to your HighLevel automation workflow. 2. Edit Webhook Action: - Click on the webhook action to edit it. 3. Paste the Webhook URL: - In the URL field, paste the webhook URL copied from Clicki. 4. Add Parameters: - Append the following parameters to the URL: rubyCopy code?email={{contact.email}}&cell_phone={{contact.phone}}&first_name={{contact.first_name}}&last_name={{contact.last_name}} - Ensure the parameters match HighLevel's merge field syntax. - The complete URL should look like: arduinoCopy codehttps://your-clicki-webhook-url?email={{contact.email}}&cell_phone={{contact.phone}}&first_name={{contact.first_name}}&last_name={{contact.last_name}} 5. Save Action: - Click Save Action. 7. Activate the Workflow 1. Save Workflow: - Click Save at the top right corner. 2. Turn On the Workflow: - Toggle the switch to Active to enable the automation. 8. Test the Automation 1. Create or Use a Test Opportunity: - In HighLevel, create a new opportunity or select an existing one. 2. Move to Closed Won Stage: - Change the opportunity's stage to Closed Won Paid. 3. Verify in Clicki: - Log in to Clicki and navigate to the Promoters section. - Confirm that the test contact has been added to the referral campaign. Customizing Communications in Clicki After the promoter is added, Clicki will automatically send an email and SMS notification to them. You can customize these messages to align with your branding and messaging. Edit Email Content 1. Navigate to Campaigns: - In Clicki, go to Campaigns and select your referral campaign. 2. Edit Email Template: - Click on Design Email under the email settings. 3. Customize Content: - Modify the subject line, body content, and any images or links. 4. Save Changes: - Click Save to apply the changes. Edit SMS Content 1. Access SMS Settings: - Within the same campaign, find the SMS settings section. 2. Customize Message: - Edit the SMS content to suit your needs. 3. Save Changes: - Click Save to update the SMS template.

Last updated on Sep 14, 2024

Integrating Service Autopilot with Clicki (Add Promoters)

https://www.loom.com/share/af73e5742f004ae6a15b720d1b4f5c7e?sid=082be2f3-fda3-4141-a5e4-f611dd45004e Overview This guide will walk you through the process of integrating Service Autopilot with Clicki to automatically add customers to your referral campaigns. Since Service Autopilot does not have a public API, we have developed an efficient workaround that utilizes email automation. Step-by-Step Instructions Step 1: Setting up the Vendor in Service Autopilot 1. Log in to your Service Autopilot account using a master login. 2. Navigate to the Team section and click on Vendors. 3. Click on Add Vendor. 4. For the Vendor Name, you can use any name you'd like. In this example, we will name the vendor: - First Name: Ad Promoter - Last Name: Clicki 5. The email field is critical. Enter the following email: - addpromoter@process.clicki.io This email will act as a bridge between Service Autopilot and Clicki, simulating an API connection. 6. Select Contractor as the Vendor Type and click Save. Step 2: Creating the Automation in Service Autopilot Now that you've set up the vendor, you can create an automation to add customers to Clicki campaigns. 1. Navigate to Automations within Service Autopilot. 2. Create a new automation or modify an existing one. For this example, we'll use an automation called Clicki Feed. 3. Define the trigger for the automation. In this case, it triggers two days after a lead converts to a client. 4. Set up the email action. In this step, we will send the necessary information to Clicki via the email address (adpromoter@process.clicki.io). 5. For the Recipient, select the Vendor you created earlier (Ad Promoter Clicki). 6. The Subject of the email is not important, but the Body is crucial as it contains the dynamic data that Clicki needs. Step 3: Structuring the Email Body The email body must follow a specific format to work properly. Here’s an example of the structure: companyID: 5007922a-0d87-4f8d-b151-a289658222f6 campaignID: 742b3e32-13aa-4e35-916a-76554c5c1ce9 promoterFirstName: Erik promoterLastName: Alburg promoterEmail: erik.alburg@gmail.com promoterphone: 616-329-5025 How to Get Your Company ID and Campaign ID: - Company ID: If you do not know your Company ID, please contact Clicki support, and they will provide it to you. Soon, it will be visible in your Clicki dashboard. - Campaign ID: To find your Campaign ID, go to your Clicki dashboard, navigate to the campaign you want, and copy the ID from the URL (after campaign/). Step 4: Mapping Client Data Once the basic email structure is set, map the customer data to the appropriate placeholders: Example Data companyID: 80839cc1-91b7-4f5e-a7b4-70a00b26270c campaignID: 682d085c-5650-480e-861e-627f6d577c08 referralFirstName: [clientfname] referralLastName: [clientlname] referralEmail: [clientemail] referralphone: [clientcphone] Step 5: Saving and Activating the Automation 1. Once you’ve entered all the details, click Save Event. 2. Your automation is now live. Every time a lead converts to a client, the system will wait two days and then automatically add the new client to the selected Clicki campaign. Recap You’ve now successfully integrated Service Autopilot with Clicki, allowing for automatic customer onboarding into referral campaigns. This automation ensures a seamless flow from lead conversion to campaign enrollment. Next Steps For further automation, such as auto-approving referral reward bonuses, stay tuned for the next part of this guide.

Last updated on Sep 19, 2024

Automating Referral Bonus Approval in Service Autopilot with Clicki (award bonus)

https://www.loom.com/share/215619e9bf3b4f92b3cfafd6b07c8c7b?sid=892320b6-cf42-41a3-ac7c-bb0711260d24 Overview This guide will explain how to set up an automation within Service Autopilot that allows for the automatic approval of referral bonuses in CLICKI. This ensures that you no longer have to manually approve every referral bonus, streamlining the process and saving time. Step-by-Step Instructions Step 1: Creating a New Vendor in Service Autopilot 1. Log in to your Service Autopilot account. 2. Navigate to the Team section and click on Vendors. 3. Click on Add Vendor. 4. Set up the vendor information: - First Name: CLICKI - Last Name: AwardBonus 5. Enter the special email for auto-awarding referral bonuses: - awardbonus@process.clicki.io 6. Select Contractor as the Vendor Type and click Save. Step 2: Building the Automation for Auto-Approval 1. Navigate to Automations within Service Autopilot. 2. Create a new automation by clicking Add Automation. 3. Name the automation: Automatic Auto Reward Bonus. 4. Add a sequence and name it: CLICKI Auto Award. 5. In the settings, restrict entry to active clients and ensure Allow Re-entry is turned on, allowing re-entry after one day. 6. Set the Trigger Type to Completed Service. This means the automation will trigger once a service has been marked as complete. Step 3: Configuring the Email Action 1. After saving the sequence, add an Email Action. 2. Set the From field as your company email and the To field as the vendor you created earlier: awardbonus@process.clicki.io. 3. Set the email to run between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. 4. Disable Email Approval to allow the automation to run automatically. 5. Click on Email Body to start mapping the required fields for sending data to CLICKI. Step 4: Structuring the Email Body The email body must follow a strict format that includes the necessary parameters. Here's an example of the format: companyID: 5007922a-0d87-4f8d-b151-a289658222f6 campaignID: 5007922a-0d87-4f8d-b151-a289658222f6 referralFirstName: Kendall referralLastName: Hines referralEmail: kendall@joinclicki.com referralphone: 616-450-2394 Getting the Company ID and Campaign ID: - Company ID: If you don't have access to your company ID in your dashboard, reach out to CLICKI support, and they will provide it to you. - Campaign ID: This is found in your CLICKI dashboard under the specific campaign you wish to associate with the automation. The ID can be copied from the URL (after campaign/). Step 5: Mapping Client Data Once you've structured the email, map the client data fields: companyID: 80839cc1-91b7-4f5e-a7b4-70a00b26270c campaignID: 682d085c-5650-480e-861e-627f6d577c08 referralFirstName: [clientfname] referralLastName: [clientlname] referralEmail: [clientemail] referralphone: [clientcphone] It is crucial to include the phone number, as CLICKI uses phone numbers as a primary unique identifier when matching clients to referrals. Step 6: Finalizing and Activating the Automation 1. After mapping the fields, click Save Event. 2. Turn the automation On. 3. Ensure there are no errors. If prompted, select General as the email category and update the subject if necessary. 4. Once saved, the automation will automatically send an email to CLICKI every time a service is marked as complete. CLICKI will then use the information to look up the referral and automatically approve the bonus. Recap You have now set up an automation that allows for the automatic approval of referral bonuses in CLICKI. Every time a service is marked as complete in Service Autopilot, the relevant customer information will be sent to CLICKI, which will process and release the referral bonus based on the data provided. Need Help? If you have any questions or need assistance in setting up this automation, feel free to reach out to our support team. We're here to help you automate and streamline your processes!

Last updated on Sep 19, 2024

How to Integrate Spraye with Clicki Using Zapier (Add Promoters & Auto Approve Bonus)

https://www.loom.com/share/3f64539e501149cda3218f6e6e63983f?sid=e4c822fd-de1e-4643-bd9a-36b4ba022819 Overview This guide walks you through setting up automation between Spraye and Clicki using Zapier. By following the steps below, you'll ensure that each new customer in Spraye is automatically enrolled in your referral campaign in Clicki, and that referral payouts are automatically processed when a referred customer becomes a paying customer. Part 1: Connecting Spraye to Clicki Step 1: Set Up Zapier Integration 1. Log into your Zapier account and click Create a new Zap. 2. Select Spraye as your trigger app: - Search for the Spraye app in the Zapier app directory. - Set the event trigger to Customer Created. - Authenticate your Spraye account by entering your API key (found in your Spraye account settings). 3. Once authenticated, click Continue to move to the next step. Step 2: Add the Webhook to Send Data to Clicki 1. Select Webhooks by Zapier as the action app. 2. Set the action event to GET. 3. Go to your Clicki dashboard and create a new webhook under the Campaign you want new customers to be enrolled in. - Navigate to Settings > Webhooks > Add Promoter. - Copy the generated webhook URL. 4. Return to Zapier and paste the Clicki webhook URL into the URL field. 5. Map your customer data from Spraye to Clicki: - Map relevant fields such as First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Email Address. 6. Test the Zap to ensure everything is working correctly. Step 3: Finalize the Zap 1. Click Continue to finish setting up your Zap. 2. Test the Zap using a sample customer from Spraye to ensure the customer data is properly passed to Clicki. 3. Once the test is successful, click Publish to activate the Zap. Now, every time a new customer is created in Spraye, they will automatically be added to your referral campaign in Clicki, allowing them to start sharing and generating referrals. Part 2: Automatically Approve Referral Payouts in Clicki Once your customers start generating referrals, it's important to automate the payout process when a referred customer becomes a paying customer in Spraye. Step 1: Set Up Referral Bonus Auto-Approval 1. Go to your Clicki dashboard and create a new webhook under the Reward Referral section. - Navigate to Settings > Webhooks > Add Referral Reward. - Copy the generated webhook URL for the campaign you want to automate payouts for. 2. Return to Zapier and paste the webhook URL into the URL field for this step. 3. Map the necessary fields to ensure referrals are identified correctly: - Clicki looks up referrals using Email or Phone Number, so map these fields from Spraye to Clicki. Step 2: Test & Publish the Auto-Approval Zap 1. Test the Zap with a real or sample customer to ensure that the referral payout process works as expected. 2. Once the test is successful, click Publish to finalize the Zap. With this automation in place, whenever a referred customer makes a purchase in Spraye, Clicki will automatically process the referral bonus payout based on the unique referral's email or phone number. Summary By following these steps, you’ve created a seamless connection between Spraye and Clicki: 1. New customers in Spraye are automatically enrolled in your Clicki referral campaign. 2. Referral payouts are automatically approved when a referred customer becomes a paying customer, without requiring manual intervention. This integration saves time and streamlines your referral marketing process, allowing your business to grow through organic referrals while handling rewards and bonuses automatically. If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance.

Last updated on Sep 20, 2024