Home Integrations How to add Clicki to CAW (RealGreen)

How to add Clicki to CAW (RealGreen)

Last updated on Aug 12, 2024

Integrating Clicki Referral Program into RealGreen Customer Portal


To integrate the Clicki referral program into the RealGreen Customer Portal for the company Lawn Police in Utah, allowing customers to easily participate and earn rewards.

Key Steps:

  1. Login Page Customization:

    • Edit the login page of the customer portal.

    • Add a message promoting the referral program.

    • Provide a clear call-to-action for customers to participate.

    • Link the call-to-action to the referral app for logging in.

  2. Menu Integration in Customer Assisted Website (CAW):

    • Access the navigation settings in CAW.

    • Locate the "Refer a Friend" option.

    • Remove the native RealGreen referral flow.

    • Add an external link with the text "Refer and earn cash".

    • Insert the referral program link (e.g., utahlawnpolice.clickireferrals.com).

    • Save changes to update the menu bar.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Ensure that the messaging on the login page and menu is clear and concise.

  • Avoid overwhelming customers with excessive information or fields to fill out for referrals.

  • Double-check the link insertion to prevent any broken or incorrect links.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Prioritize placing the referral program link in the menu bar within the Customer Assisted Website for better visibility.

  • Keep the referral process simple and user-friendly to encourage customer engagement.

  • Regularly monitor the integration to track the effectiveness of the referral program and make any necessary adjustments for optimization.