Home Integrations Automating Referral Bonus Approval in Service Autopilot with Clicki (award bonus)

Automating Referral Bonus Approval in Service Autopilot with Clicki (award bonus)

Last updated on Sep 19, 2024


This guide will explain how to set up an automation within Service Autopilot that allows for the automatic approval of referral bonuses in CLICKI. This ensures that you no longer have to manually approve every referral bonus, streamlining the process and saving time.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Creating a New Vendor in Service Autopilot

  1. Log in to your Service Autopilot account.

  2. Navigate to the Team section and click on Vendors.

  3. Click on Add Vendor.

  4. Set up the vendor information:

    • First Name: CLICKI

    • Last Name: AwardBonus

  5. Enter the special email for auto-awarding referral bonuses:

    • awardbonus@process.clicki.io
  6. Select Contractor as the Vendor Type and click Save.

Step 2: Building the Automation for Auto-Approval

  1. Navigate to Automations within Service Autopilot.

  2. Create a new automation by clicking Add Automation.

  3. Name the automation: Automatic Auto Reward Bonus.

  4. Add a sequence and name it: CLICKI Auto Award.

  5. In the settings, restrict entry to active clients and ensure Allow Re-entry is turned on, allowing re-entry after one day.

  6. Set the Trigger Type to Completed Service. This means the automation will trigger once a service has been marked as complete.

Step 3: Configuring the Email Action

  1. After saving the sequence, add an Email Action.

  2. Set the From field as your company email and the To field as the vendor you created earlier: awardbonus@process.clicki.io.

  3. Set the email to run between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m.

  4. Disable Email Approval to allow the automation to run automatically.

  5. Click on Email Body to start mapping the required fields for sending data to CLICKI.

Step 4: Structuring the Email Body

The email body must follow a strict format that includes the necessary parameters. Here's an example of the format:

companyID: 5007922a-0d87-4f8d-b151-a289658222f6
campaignID: 5007922a-0d87-4f8d-b151-a289658222f6
referralFirstName: Kendall
referralLastName: Hines
referralEmail: kendall@joinclicki.com
referralphone: 616-450-2394

Getting the Company ID and Campaign ID:

  • Company ID: If you don't have access to your company ID in your dashboard, reach out to CLICKI support, and they will provide it to you.

  • Campaign ID: This is found in your CLICKI dashboard under the specific campaign you wish to associate with the automation. The ID can be copied from the URL (after campaign/).

Step 5: Mapping Client Data

Once you've structured the email, map the client data fields:

companyID: 80839cc1-91b7-4f5e-a7b4-70a00b26270c
campaignID: 682d085c-5650-480e-861e-627f6d577c08
referralFirstName: [clientfname]
referralLastName: [clientlname]
referralEmail: [clientemail]
referralphone: [clientcphone]

It is crucial to include the phone number, as CLICKI uses phone numbers as a primary unique identifier when matching clients to referrals.

Step 6: Finalizing and Activating the Automation

  1. After mapping the fields, click Save Event.

  2. Turn the automation On.

  3. Ensure there are no errors. If prompted, select General as the email category and update the subject if necessary.

  4. Once saved, the automation will automatically send an email to CLICKI every time a service is marked as complete. CLICKI will then use the information to look up the referral and automatically approve the bonus.


You have now set up an automation that allows for the automatic approval of referral bonuses in CLICKI. Every time a service is marked as complete in Service Autopilot, the relevant customer information will be sent to CLICKI, which will process and release the referral bonus based on the data provided.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance in setting up this automation, feel free to reach out to our support team. We're here to help you automate and streamline your processes!