Home Integrations How to: Connect Clicki to Fieldroutes (Incoming Webhooks)

How to: Connect Clicki to Fieldroutes (Incoming Webhooks)

Last updated on Aug 12, 2024

Connecting Clicki to FieldRoutes


To connect Clicki to FieldRoutes for seamless data integration, specifically focusing on adding promoters to Clicki and triggering actions based on completed services in FieldRoutes.

Key Steps:

  1. Adding Promoters to Clicki:

    • Create a webhook in Clicki named "Add Promoter" and assign it to a specific campaign.

    • Copy the webhook URL.

    • In FieldRoutes, go to Admin > Trigger Rules.

    • Create a trigger rule based on your desired action (e.g., after an active subscription is added).

    • Create a new action step with the type as webhook and method as GET request.

    • Paste the copied webhook URL and replace test data placeholders with actual client data (e.g., email, phone number, first name, last name).

  2. Triggering Actions for Completed Services:

    • Create a trigger rule in FieldRoutes based on completed services (e.g., after an appointment is completed).

    • Set up a webhook to send data to Clicki upon trigger.

    • Perform a real-time lookup in Clicki's referral database to verify the existence of a referral with the sent data.

    • Automatically award referral bonuses if a match is found.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Ensure that the webhooks are set up correctly in both Clicki and FieldRoutes to avoid data transfer errors.

  • Double-check the trigger rules and action steps to align with your business processes accurately.

  • Test the integration thoroughly before implementing it on a large scale.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Keep webhook names and descriptions clear and descriptive for easy identification.

  • Regularly monitor and review the integration to ensure its effectiveness and make any necessary adjustments.

  • Document the webhook setup process for future reference and training purposes.