Home Integrations How to Automatically Add New Customers to Clicki Referral Campaigns Using HighLevel Automations

How to Automatically Add New Customers to Clicki Referral Campaigns Using HighLevel Automations

Last updated on Sep 14, 2024


This guide will walk you through the process of integrating HighLevel with Clicki to automatically add new customers to your Clicki referral campaigns. When a deal in HighLevel reaches the "Closed Won" status, the automation will trigger, enrolling the customer into a Clicki referral program. This seamless integration helps you encourage new customers to promote your business without manual intervention.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Create a New Automation in HighLevel

  1. Log In: Access your HighLevel account.

  2. Navigate to Automations:

    • From the dashboard, click on Automations in the left-hand menu.
  3. Create Workflow:

    • Click on Create Workflow.

    • Choose Start from Scratch.

  4. Name the Workflow:

    • Enter a descriptive name, e.g., Clicki Referral Auto Add.

    • Click Save.

2. Set Up the Trigger

  1. Add New Trigger:

    • Click on Add New Trigger.
  2. Select Trigger Type:

    • Choose Opportunity Status Changed.
  3. Configure the Trigger:

    • In Pipeline: Select your desired pipeline (e.g., Sales Master Pipeline).

    • In Stage: Choose the stage that represents a successful deal (e.g., Closed Won Paid).

    • This ensures the automation triggers when an opportunity moves to the specified stage.

  4. Save Trigger:

    • Click Save Trigger.

3. Add an Optional Delay

  1. Add New Action:

    • Click on the + icon to add an action.
  2. Select Delay:

    • Choose Wait from the list.
  3. Configure Delay:

    • Set the desired wait time (e.g., 3 hours).

    • This allows a buffer time before the customer is added to the referral program.

  4. Save Action:

    • Click Save Action.

4. Add a Webhook Action

  1. Add New Action:

    • Click on the + icon after the delay step.
  2. Select Webhook:

    • Choose Webhook from the actions list.
  3. Configure the Webhook:

    • Method: Change from POST to GET.

    • Leave the URL field blank for now.

  4. Save Action:

    • Click Save Action (you will return to this step after generating the webhook URL).

5. Generate a Webhook URL in Clicki

  1. Log In to Clicki: Access your Clicki account.

  2. Navigate to Company Settings:

    • Click on your profile icon and select Company Settings.
  3. Access Integrations:

    • Click on Integrations from the settings menu.
  4. Create a New Webhook:

    • Click on New Webhook.
  5. Configure the Webhook:

    • Webhook Name: Enter Add Promoter.

    • Action: Select Add Promoter.

    • Campaign: Choose the referral campaign to add promoters to (e.g., Referral Rewards).

  6. Save Webhook:

    • Click Save Webhook.
  7. Copy Webhook URL:

    • After saving, copy the generated Webhook URL.

6. Complete the Webhook Configuration in HighLevel

  1. Return to HighLevel:

    • Go back to your HighLevel automation workflow.
  2. Edit Webhook Action:

    • Click on the webhook action to edit it.
  3. Paste the Webhook URL:

    • In the URL field, paste the webhook URL copied from Clicki.
  4. Add Parameters:

    • Append the following parameters to the URL:
    rubyCopy code?email={{contact.email}}&cell_phone={{contact.phone}}&first_name={{contact.first_name}}&last_name={{contact.last_name}}
    • Ensure the parameters match HighLevel's merge field syntax.

    • The complete URL should look like:

      arduinoCopy codehttps://your-clicki-webhook-url?email={{contact.email}}&cell_phone={{contact.phone}}&first_name={{contact.first_name}}&last_name={{contact.last_name}}
  5. Save Action:

    • Click Save Action.

7. Activate the Workflow

  1. Save Workflow:

    • Click Save at the top right corner.
  2. Turn On the Workflow:

    • Toggle the switch to Active to enable the automation.

8. Test the Automation

  1. Create or Use a Test Opportunity:

    • In HighLevel, create a new opportunity or select an existing one.
  2. Move to Closed Won Stage:

    • Change the opportunity's stage to Closed Won Paid.
  3. Verify in Clicki:

    • Log in to Clicki and navigate to the Promoters section.

    • Confirm that the test contact has been added to the referral campaign.

Customizing Communications in Clicki

After the promoter is added, Clicki will automatically send an email and SMS notification to them. You can customize these messages to align with your branding and messaging.

Edit Email Content

  1. Navigate to Campaigns:

    • In Clicki, go to Campaigns and select your referral campaign.
  2. Edit Email Template:

    • Click on Design Email under the email settings.
  3. Customize Content:

    • Modify the subject line, body content, and any images or links.
  4. Save Changes:

    • Click Save to apply the changes.

Edit SMS Content

  1. Access SMS Settings:

    • Within the same campaign, find the SMS settings section.
  2. Customize Message:

    • Edit the SMS content to suit your needs.
  3. Save Changes:

    • Click Save to update the SMS template.