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Kendall Hines
By Kendall Hines
9 articles

Manual Rewards/Manual Bonuses

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfdl_geET5M&t=10s Objective: Step-by-step guide on how to award manual bonuses or rewards to team members or clients as a way of showing appreciation and encouraging further support or referrals. Key Steps: 1. Identify the opportunity or reason for awarding a bonus or reward. This could be a successful demo, a referral, or any other significant contribution. 2. Access the account or platform where the bonus or reward will be given. 3. Locate the person who generated the opportunity or referral. 4. Determine the amount of the bonus or reward. Consider the significance of the contribution and the value it brings to the company. 5. Write a message expressing gratitude and appreciation. Be specific about the reason for the bonus or reward. 6. Award the bonus or reward by adding the specified amount to the person's account balance. 7. Notify the person about the bonus or reward. This can be done through email, text message, or both. 8. Include a branded email with the reward details and instructions on how to cash out. 9. Provide options for cashing out, such as Venmo or Cash App just to name a few. 10. Encourage the person to continue promoting the company by mentioning the potential for more rewards and the ease of sharing referral links. 11. Offer support and assistance if needed, and provide contact information for further questions or inquiries. Cautionary Notes: - Ensure that the bonus or reward is given for a valid reason and aligns with company policies and guidelines. - Double-check the amount of the bonus or reward to avoid errors or discrepancies. - Be mindful of the timing of the bonus or reward, considering factors such as the completion of a deal or the success of a referral. Tips for Efficiency: - Keep a record or log of the bonuses or rewards given to maintain transparency and accountability. - Use templates or pre-written messages to save time when expressing gratitude and appreciation. - Automate the notification process by setting up email or text message templates that can be easily customized for each recipient. - Regularly review and update the options for cashing out to ensure convenience and accessibility for the recipients.

Last updated on May 02, 2024

Adding promoters

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lelpHZfhr6c Adding Promoters Objective: The objective of this SOP is to guide team members on how to add promoters to the Clicki platform, ensuring that current customers, ambassadors, and affiliates are informed about the program and can start sharing their referral links. Key Steps: 1. Login to the Clicki platform. 2. Navigate to the "Add Promoters" section. 3. To add promoters one by one: - Type in the promoter's information (name, phone number, and email) in the provided fields. - Check the "Do not send notifications" option if you don't want to send them the email and text message immediately. - Click "Add Promoter" to add them to the platform without sending notifications. 4. To add promoters in bulk: - Click on the "Bulk Upload List" option. - Select the campaign to which you want to add the list. - Upload the file containing the promoter information. - Map the columns in the file to the corresponding fields in Clicki (Full Name/First Name, Last Name, Cell Phone, and Email). - Ensure that the Full Name/First Name and Cell Phone fields are filled in, as they are required. - Click "Import" to import the promoters' information. - Leave the import screen open until the process is complete. Cautionary Notes: - Typing in promoter information one by one is not advised for large numbers of customers or affiliates. - Ensure that the phone numbers are in the preferred E 164 format (e.g., +16164502395) for accurate import. - If using the bulk upload option, make sure to have the required information (Full Name/First Name and Cell Phone) filled in for each promoter. - Keep the import screen open until the process is complete, especially for large numbers of promoters. Tips for Efficiency: - Use the bulk upload option for adding multiple promoters at once, especially for large numbers. - Prepare the promoter information in a file with the required columns (Full Name/First Name, Last Name, Cell Phone, and Email) for easy mapping during the import process. - Ensure that the phone numbers are in the preferred E 164 format to avoid import errors. - Leave the import screen open until the process is complete to ensure a smooth import.

Last updated on May 06, 2024

Creating New Campaigns in Clicki

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdBKRQW_stE Objective The objective of this SOP is to guide users on how to create custom campaigns in Clicki to target specific personas for sharing and promotion. Key Steps 1. Accessing Campaign Section • Log in to the Clicki dashboard. • Navigate to the campaign section. 1. Creating a New Campaign • Click on the “Add Campaign” button. • Name the campaign and set a URL slug. • Customize the GeoBounty (budget) for the campaign. • Customize landing pages for the campaign. • Customize the welcome email and text message for promoters. • Design the email content and sender name. • Set up the text message content. 1. Adding Promoters to the Campaign • Click on “Add Promoter.” • Select the campaign to which you want to add promoters. • Add promoters individually by typing in their data. • Alternatively, bulk upload a list of promoters. • Ensure promoters receive emails and text messages upon being added to the campaign. Cautionary Notes • Ensure all details are accurately entered while creating the campaign to avoid errors in budget allocation and communication. • Double-check the content of the welcome email and text message to ensure it aligns with the campaign’s objectives. • Be cautious when adding promoters to the correct campaign to avoid misallocation of resources. Tips for Efficiency • Utilize the customization options to tailor each campaign to the specific persona being targeted. • Consider creating different campaigns for various types of promoters, such as customers, partners, influencers, or employees, to maximize effectiveness. • Regularly review and update campaigns based on performance and feedback to optimize results.

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024

Understanding Pay-Per-Click with Clicki

https://www.loom.com/share/4fa430f4b64d40a7a4e9c1495904a500?sid=c034c89c-93ed-4570-aee7-3eb9a61d4290 Introduction Hey everyone, it's Kendall from Clicki. In this video, we'll cover the concept of paying per click, why we recommend it, why we built this feature, and the mechanics behind it. What is Pay-Per-Click? Pay-per-click (PPC) is a system we designed to allow businesses to pay their customers for every click their referral links receive. This system incentivizes customers to share their referral links widely, as they can earn money with each click. Why Pay Per Click? Incentivizing Engagement By paying your customers per click, you motivate them to share their referral links more frequently. This means that every time someone clicks on their link, and views your landing page, they earn money. For example, they could wake up to find $5 in their account from shared links, providing immediate gratification and success in your referral program. Cost Efficiency Many businesses pay substantial amounts per click to platforms like Google for certain keywords. Instead of spending your marketing budget on these platforms, PPC with Clicki allows you to redirect those funds to your customers. Targeted Clicks with GeoBounty™ With Clicki's GeoBounty™ feature, you only pay for clicks within a specified geographic radius. This ensures that your marketing efforts and dollars are spent on the audience that matters most to your business. How Does It Work? Setting Up GeoBounty™ In the Clicki dashboard, navigate to GeoBounty™ to define your geographic radius for PPC. This means you only pay for clicks from users within this specified area. For instance, if a click comes from within your set radius, the promoter earns $1 per click. If the click is from outside, like Las Vegas in this example, the promoter earns nothing. Defining a Click A click is registered as a landing page view. When a user clicks on a referral link and the landing page loads, it counts as a click. Example of PPC in Action Here’s a practical example: 1. Marty's Referral Link: - Marty Carranza is a promoter for a Turf Cleaning Company. - When someone clicks his referral link and is within the designated GeoBounty™ area, Marty earns money per click. - If the click is outside this area, no money is earned. 2. Tracking and Fraud Detection: - Clicki's advanced tracking technology ensures only verified clicks are counted. - We detect VPN usage, incognito browsing, and other fraudulent activities to ensure businesses only pay for legitimate traffic. - This technology helps maintain the integrity of the PPC system, ensuring businesses get value from their referral programs. Benefits of Clicki's PPC Verified Traffic Businesses using Clicki's PPC feature see an increase in verified clicks, which leads to more potential referrals. Our system ensures only human, legitimate clicks are paid for, eliminating the risk of paying for fraudulent traffic. Aligning Incentives Clicki's success is tied to your success. We aim to drive quality traffic and genuine referrals to your business. Our goal is to convert your marketing budget into effective referral-driven growth, reducing dependency on traditional digital advertising platforms. Quick Wins for Promoters Paying per click creates quick wins and dopamine hits for your promoters, encouraging them to keep sharing and promoting your business. Conclusion PPC is a powerful tool in your referral marketing arsenal. By incentivizing clicks, you engage your customers in spreading the word about your business while ensuring your marketing dollars are spent efficiently. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our team. We're here to help!

Last updated on Jul 30, 2024

How to Delete a Promoter in Clicki

https://www.loom.com/share/455305bbd12c481b9893d00fdbf7368b?sid=db802c54-af42-4cac-ba6a-8fe76d9465c8 This guide will walk you through the process of deleting a promoter in Clicki. Please note that deleting a promoter with referrals requires a few extra steps. Here's how to complete the process. Why Deleting a Promoter Can Be Complex Before jumping into the steps, it's important to understand why deleting a promoter isn’t as simple as it sounds: - Promoters with Referrals: What happens if the promoter has existing referrals? They will need to be managed before deletion. - Promoters with Balances: If the promoter has an existing balance, extra care must be taken to ensure those funds are handled appropriately. Step-by-Step Guide 1. Search for the Promoter - Start by searching for the promoter you want to delete. - Use the search function to find the promoter by name. In this example, we'll search for "Kendall Hines." - Once you find the promoter in the search results, click on their profile. 2. Check Referrals - Once in the promoter's account, check if they have any existing referrals. - If referrals are unpaid: You can delete them yourself. - If referrals are paid: You will need to contact Clicki support to help with deleting the promoter. 3. Deleting Unpaid Referrals - If the promoter has unpaid referrals, you need to delete them before deleting the promoter. 1. Click the three-dot drop-down menu next to each referral. 2. Select "Delete Referral." 3. Confirm the deletion in the prompt that appears. The referral will be removed from the list. 4. Repeat this process for all unpaid referrals. 4. Delete the Promoter - After all unpaid referrals have been deleted, return to the promoter's account page. - Click the three-dot drop-down menu again, this time selecting "Delete Promoter." - Confirm the action when prompted, and the promoter will be deleted from the system. Important Considerations - Paid Referrals: If a promoter has any paid referrals, you will need to contact Clicki support to assist with the deletion of the promoter. - Balance Handling: Ensure any balance associated with the promoter is cleared before attempting to delete them. By following this process, you can safely and efficiently delete a promoter from Clicki while managing their associated referrals.

Last updated on Sep 11, 2024

How to create a new campaign

https://www.loom.com/share/0dd2000e2e244194a555279e17515d8f?sid=0e86f42f-f0f5-4445-a42b-7720f479427e Overview This article will guide you through the process of creating and managing campaigns in Clicki. Campaigns in Clicki are highly customizable, allowing you to tailor them to specific customer segments or use cases, whether for a single promoter, a handful of customers, or even larger groups like influencers or B2B partners. Step-by-Step Guide 1. Navigating to the Campaigns Section - From your Clicki dashboard, go to the Campaigns tab located in the main menu. - If you already have existing campaigns, they will be listed here. 2. Creating a New Campaign - To start, click on the Add Campaign button. - A pop-up form will appear where you can enter the initial settings for your campaign. Fields to Fill: - Campaign Name: Give your campaign a unique name. For example, if you’re creating a campaign targeting a specific customer group, you could name it "Customer Referral Rewards." - URL Slug: This is the part of the URL that will be unique to this campaign, making it easy to differentiate and track. For example, www.clicki.com/campaigns/customer-rewards. - Click Create to generate your new campaign. 3. Configuring the Campaign Settings After creating the campaign, you will have multiple configuration options. This allows you to customize everything, ensuring the campaign meets your needs and reflects your branding. - Campaign Budget: Define the budget for this specific campaign. - Landing Page Customization: - Click on the Landing Page tab to edit the landing page. - You can change images, text, and other elements to match the look and feel of your business or the persona you are targeting. - Example Use Case: If you’re creating a campaign for an influencer, you can add their image and name to the landing page, making it more personalized. - Email & SMS Customization: - Customize the welcome email and text message that your promoters will receive upon signing up. This feature is ideal for creating a unique experience for each group of promoters. - For example, a campaign targeting realtors might include messaging like, “Welcome, EXP Realty partners! Pelican Pest Control is thrilled to have you onboard.” 4. Adding Promoters to the Campaign - Once your campaign is configured, it’s time to add promoters. - Click on the Add Promoter button. A form will pop up allowing you to manually add a promoter or select from existing ones. - Choose the correct campaign from the Select Campaign drop-down menu. - Important Note: If you’re managing multiple campaigns, make sure to select the right campaign before adding the promoter to avoid confusion. 5. Bulk Upload Promoters - If you want to add a large group of promoters at once, you can use the Bulk Upload feature. - Go to the Bulk Upload tab, upload your CSV file, and ensure all promoters are correctly mapped to the appropriate campaign. - Make sure the Campaign Selection is set correctly for bulk uploads. Otherwise, promoters might end up in the wrong campaign. 6. Use Case Examples Clicki's campaign flexibility allows you to create a variety of campaigns for different purposes: - Influencer Campaigns: Spin up a campaign dedicated to a specific influencer, using their branding and messaging. - B2B Referrals: Create a campaign for partner businesses like realtors or contractors, and personalize the landing page to highlight your relationship with them. - Customer Referral Programs: Set up campaigns targeted specifically at loyal customers, using distinct messaging and rewards. 7. Managing Multiple Campaigns - Once you have created multiple campaigns, they will appear in a drop-down menu. Always double-check that you are adding promoters to the correct campaign when managing multiple campaigns. 8. Final Tips - Naming Conventions: Use clear and descriptive names for each campaign to avoid confusion later. - Testing Links: Before sharing the referral link, preview your landing page to make sure everything looks as expected. - Monitor Campaigns Regularly: Keep an eye on your campaigns to ensure that they are performing as expected and make adjustments as needed. Conclusion With Clicki's campaign creation and management features, you can easily set up tailored campaigns for any scenario, making your referral efforts more effective and targeted. If you have any questions or need help setting up your campaign, feel free to reach out to the Clicki support team.

Last updated on Sep 30, 2024

Adding Google Reviews to Your Landing Pages 🌟

https://www.loom.com/share/837e60cdd2ca413a80859b5f5bf2c122 How to Guide: Adding Google Reviews to Your Landing Pages Follow these steps to add Google Reviews to your Clicki landing pages using our newly released feature. This guide will walk you through each step of the process, ensuring you can seamlessly integrate your business’s Google reviews into your campaigns. Step 1: Access the Campaigns Section 1. Log in to your Clicki account. 2. Navigate to the Campaigns section in your dashboard. 3. Select the specific campaign for which you want to add Google Reviews. Step 2: Edit Your Landing Page 1. Go to the Landing Page tab. 2. Click on Edit Landing Page to access the Landing Page Builder. Step 3: Locate the Google Reviews Widget 1. In the Landing Page Builder, you’ll see a new option labeled Google Reviews in the widget panel. 2. Drag and drop the Google Reviews widget to the desired position on your landing page. 3. By default, it will load sample data from Clicki’s Google Places ID for demonstration purposes. Step 4: Obtain Your Google Places ID 1. Open a new tab in your browser and navigate to the Google Places ID Finder. https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/place-id 2. Use the search bar to enter your business’s name and location. 3. Once your business appears in the results, copy the Place ID. Tip: For example, if your business is named "Masha Lash", search for it along with its location, such as "Masha Lash, Byron Center". This will return the specific Place ID for your business. Step 5: Paste the Google Places ID in the Widget 1. Return to the Landing Page Builder. 2. Click on the Google Reviews widget that you added. 3. Locate the field labeled Google Places ID. 4. Paste your copied Google Places ID into this field. Step 6: Review and Save Your Changes 1. Once the Places ID is updated, you’ll see the five most recent Google reviews appear on the widget, along with your total number of reviews and star rating. 2. Verify that the information is displaying correctly. 3. Click Save to apply the changes to your landing page. Step 7: Preview and Publish 1. Preview your updated landing page to see how the Google Reviews are displayed. 2. If everything looks good, Publish your changes. Step 8: Continue Enhancing Your Landing Page This is the first version (V1) of the Google Reviews feature, and it will be continuously improved. Stay tuned for future updates to make your reviews more visually appealing and dynamic. Troubleshooting Tips - Google Places ID Not Working: Double-check that you’ve copied the ID correctly. If the ID is incorrect, the reviews will not display properly. - Reviews Not Updating: It may take a few minutes for the latest reviews to populate on your landing page. Refresh your browser or try re-saving the landing page. By following these steps, you can now showcase your business’s positive reviews directly on your landing pages, boosting trust and engagement with your visitors. For additional assistance, reach out to Clicki Support, and we’ll be happy to help! 4o

Last updated on Oct 01, 2024